We believe in "Sola Scriptura", meaning Scripture Alone is our authority & "Tota Scriptura", meaning we believe and teach all of God's Word. We profess that the Bible was written by men who were divinely inspired by God through the Holy Spirit. We accept the fullness of the Bible, which includes the 66 Book Closed Canon, in its entirety from the beginning in Genesis to Revelation with God as its author. It is a perfect gift from God to humanity that shows us His glory, His nature, how He judges humanity, and the path to salvation found only in His son Jesus Christ. Since it is the perfect gift from God the Bible is therefore without error, contradiction, completely infallible, and will remain until the end of the world. All Scripture is a testimony to the glorification of God throughout all of creation. (Psalm 19:7-10Isaiah 34:16Jeremiah 15:1636:1-32Matthew 5:17-1822:29Luke 21:3324:44-46John 5:3916:13-1517:17Acts 2:16.; 17:11Romans 15:416:25-262 Timothy 3:15-17Hebrews 1:1-24:121 Peter 1:252 Peter 1:19-21.)


We hold that there is only one true and living God that is the creator and ruler of the entire universe. God is powerful, perfect, full of infinite holiness, is all loving, and is all knowing. His all knowing nature encompasses all of time including past, present, and future. As our perfect creator He is owed the highest levels of love, obedience, and reverence. He is a triune God who reveals himself to us, his creation as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being. (Genesis 1:12:7Exodus 3:146:2-315:1120:1Leviticus 22:2Deuteronomy 6:432:61 Chronicles 29:10Psalm 19:1-3Isaiah 43:3,1564:8Jeremiah 10:1017:13Matthew 6:97:1123:928:19Mark 1:9-11John 4:245:2614:6-1317:1-8)

The first person of the trinity is the Father who reigns with providential care over the entirety of the universe and things that have been created. He is all powerful, wise, and knowing. While being transcendent He is also fully and actively involved in His creation who He offers an eternal relationship through His son Jesus Christ. (Matthew 6:9John 5:19-24Ephesians 1:3-62:1-10)

Jesus is the eternal and everlasting son of God the father. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born to the virgin Mary. Christ is both fully man and fully God. Jesus perfectly fulfilled the will of the Father taking on human form and identified Himself completely with humanity yet lived entirely without sin. He was before all things, through Him all things were created, and all things hold together by the power of His word. His nature is completely perfect and is the only Savior for the sins of all humanity. This was accomplished by His blood being shed on the cross and dying in our place. Through dying in our place and living a perfect life He revealed perfect love while also upholding divine justice. His sacrifice on the cross allows all those who trust in Him to have all of their guilt from sin removed and be fully reconciled with God the Father as His heirs. Three days later He would be raised from the dead proving once and for all His power over death and evil. After His resurrection he appeared to many and performed many convincing proofs that He had indeed been raised from the dead. He would then ascend into heaven where He still is reigning with all power and authority seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus is the head of His church also known as the body and should be loved, adored, served, and obeyed by all of creation. (Genesis 18:1Psalms 2:7110:1Isaiah 7:14Isaiah 53:1-12Matthew 1:18-233:178:2911:2714:3316:16,2717:52728:1-6,19Mark 1:13:11Luke 1:354:4122:7024:46John 1:1-18,2910:30,3811:25-27; 12:44-5014:7-1116:15-16,2817:1-521-2220:1-20,28Acts 1:92:22-247:55-569:4-5,20Romans 1:3-43:23-265:6-218:1-3,3410:41 Corinthians 1:302:28:615:1-8,24-282 Corinthians 5:19-218:9Galatians 4:4-5Ephesians 1:203:114:7-10Philippians 2:5-11Colossians 1:13-222:91 Thessalonians 4:14-181 Timothy 2:5-63:16Titus 2:13-14Hebrews 1:1-34:14-157:14-289:12-15,24-2812:213:81 Peter 2:21-253:221 John 1:7-93:24:14-155:92 John 7-9Revelation 1:13-165:9-1412:10-1113:819:16.)

The Holy Spirit is the fully divine spirit of God. He inspired the authors to write the Holy Bible. Through His brilliance He enables humanity to understand truth. He exalts Christ and convicts all of humanity of sin, righteousness, and final judgement. He calls people from every tribe, tongue, & nation to salvation through Jesus Christ and brings about the regeneration of believers at the very moment of conversion baptizing them into the body of Christ. He tends to and cultivates every believer’s character, comforts them, and grants them spiritual gifts which are used to further the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit seals all believers until the return of Christ and the final redemption. ( Genesis 1:2Judges 14:6Job 26:13Psalms 51:11139:7Isaiah 61:1-3Joel 2:28-32Matthew 1:183:164:112:28-3228:19Mark 1:10,12Luke 1:354:1,18-1911:1312:12; 24:49John 4:2414:16-17,2615:2616:7-14Acts 1:82:1-4,384:315:36:3; 7:558:17,3910:4413:215:2816:619:1-6Romans 8:9-11,14-16,26-271 Corinthians 2:10-143:1612:3-11,13Galatians 4:6Ephesians 1:13-144:305:181 Thessalonians 5:191 Timothy 3:164:12 Timothy 1:143:16Hebrews 9:8,142 Peter 1:211 John 4:135:6-7Revelation 1:1022:17.)
We were created in the image of God and made to be in an intimate relationship with Him for all eternity. However, sin would enter the world because of the willful disobedience to God by Adam and Eve the first man and woman infecting the whole of humanity. Now with a sinful nature we have been separated from God, rendered spiritually dead, and destined to a physical death, and eternity separated from our heavenly creator. (Genesis 1-3; Romans 1:18-32Romans 3:5; Psalm 1; Isaiah 6:5Ephesians 2:1-3)
Salvation comes only by faith in Jesus, saving us through God’s grace for all who believe in Christ, and brings about a complete redemption of that person who believes in their heart and surrenders to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This redemption was obtained by the shedding of the blood of Christ on the cross and eternally secures those who call upon His name to be saved. There is no salvation apart from Jesus Christ. (John 14:6Titus 3:4-7Acts 4:12John 1:12Romans 3:21-26Ephesians 1:72:8-9Hebrews 10:10-12I John 5:11-13Galatians 3:26John 3:16). 

Christian Baptism is by full immersion of the believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a symbolic act by the believer professing belief in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


The Lord’s Supper is the symbolic act carried out by the body of Christ to memorialize the death and second coming of our Redeemer. We partake of bread and the fruit of the vine that symbolize both the body of Christ and His blood which He freely poured out for our sins on the cross. (Matthew 3:13-1726:26-3028:19-20Mark 1:9-1114:22-26Luke 3:21-2222:19-20John 3:23Acts 2:41-428:35-3916:30-3320:7Romans 6:3-51 Corinthians 10:16,2111:23-29Colossians 2:12.)


We affirm that the self-conception of humanity, who being made in the image of God, has been made male & female as defined by God through His divinely revealed word. Therefore, God has not created the gender or sexuality of humanity on a spectrum. Such beliefs & ideologies based upon the disordered affections of the flesh are a result of the curse of sin which entered into the world through the disobedience of our parents Adam & Eve. 


God's design for marriage can be found in the Garden of Eden. Marriage is to be between one man and one woman who live as one flesh in a God-honoring, Covenantal, & Sexual Relationship. The husband is to love his wife, be faithful to her, and give up his life for her as Christ gave up his life for the church. The wife is to love her husband, be faithful to him, and submit herself under his sacrificial & loving authority. 

Calvary Baptist Church, as a Southern Baptist Church member, affirms the following Statements of Faith

Baptist Faith & Message 2000

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

The Danvers Statement

The Nashville Statement

The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel